Target audience

Specialist publishers

Specialist publishers have always been pioneers in the field of media-neutral data management and automated production. Data was already stored in a structured manner by using SGML, a pre-form of XML, to publish efficiently into analog and digital channels.
Books, trade journals, loose-leaf works, CD-ROMs, online applications – the list of products and channels traditional specialist publisher create, or supply is usually diverse. All the more important is

the dismantling of data silos that have evolved historically
a smart and comfortable creation of content and
efficient, workflow-controlled production

SiteFusion solves these tasks, by storing all assets in the MarkLogic NoSQL / XML database, …


Trade publishers

Whether it is novels, non-fiction or for instance children’s books: Trade publishers are faced to successfully deal with the big task of generating new opportunities out of topics such as self-publishing, changing reading habits, shrinking readership or the slowly growing e-book market.On the one hand, it is important to retain the authors through innovative services and on the other hand to establish efficient production. At the same time, marketing and sales need instruments to easily break new ground in customer loyalty and acquisition.

In addition to powerful MAM functionality, SiteFusion offers clear dashboards to monitor hundreds of titles at the same …


Educational publishers

Educational publishers are clearly the “newcomers” when it comes down to structured data storage.

Until recently, creative and layout-driven products, such as textbooks, were incompatible with granular and standardized data management, but there has been a change in thinking in the past 1-2 years.

DITA1.3 learning and training has become the de facto standard on the market as many large education providers are already relying on it and are in the process of adapting their content conceptually and technically to the topic-based approach.

Based on this data, digital products and business models will spring up in the next years. Thanks to modern interface …
